Words of Love from Ultra’s Family, Friends, and Fans
“Anyone who really knows me knows that “The Philly International Records Label” catalogue is my bible, my standard, my default, musical quality level I’ve adhered to and lived by since the early 1970’s. I’ve always been an “Earl Young” jazzy snare, skip-pattern advocate. Any track that I had received that had that pattern or feel it got played by me (electronically remember the 1st. track on the ”Virgo EP” from Chicago)? But that groove was only 2nd to the unmatched, unobtainable world of my idol “Quincy Jones”. In my opinion the demos I was fortunate to receive of “Ultra Nate” from Teddy Douglas during the late 80’s were extraordinary, very raw. Ultra had a great “Cross-Over” voice that caught my ear. The response from the tri-state area (NY/NJ/CT) weekend radio mixshows (Kiss-FM NY), and NJ nightclubs like “Club Zanzibar” in Newark, where I worked alongside icons like (Larry Levan, Larry Patterson, Tee Scott, Dave Morales, Naeem Johnson, Francois K, Hippy Torrales) to name a few, alongside underground retail outlets like Abigail Adams’ ”Movin’ Records” (w/Joe Smith & Judy Russell) was startling and encouraging! Here was a young attractive black female artist, not hailing from our area, causing havoc. Funny part was her fans didn’t even realize that she was partying amongst them weekend after weekend (4 hour drive from Baltimore) during those times. Ultra was the 80’s “Donna Summer”, showcasing undeniable “Pop” vocal appeal (range/key). Ultra was one of the few to be successful, coming out of our precious underground scene. Thanks to Ms. Cynthia Cherry & WB UK, the only B-More black female star was finally recognized! 40 years later “Ultra Nate” is now the whole package. Ultra has championed all current trends (DJing/Rec Label/Nightclub/Soundtracks/Etc).
Currently she is an icon now representing a key dimension (3-4 decades), of our soulful underground existence. She is now our “Oprah” of the underground dance community.
Ultra’s iconic stature will no doubt be an inspiration to future soulful female artists from all walks of life.””
“What a great spirit, a true soldier! She’s one of the people who make me proud to be a part of the dance community. Here’s to the future! Cheers!””
“For the past 20 years I have lived and loved your music (as a DJ). On the flip side I’ve loved and adored you as a friend, colleague and baby sister. To watch you grow and conquer the world with your style and brilliance, my love and affection has only increased ten fold. And now, to finally have the opportunity to work with you on “Give It 2 U”, all I can say is, Revolution Complete! Congratulations, Babygirl! You serve! And we the DJs, Producers and music lovers will forever feast on your bounty”....Maximum Love & Infinite Respect.””
“Without doubt, one of the most precious and genuinely gifted music talents I have known and loved over the last two decades” ”
“Wow!! What words can describe a woman that has found success and blessings in all that has been on her journey!! As a word of love to my little sister know that you are an inspiration to all of the young women today that are pioneering the artist life and being one of the very few and respected females DJ’s!! I am proud to know you and have you in my life!!! Love ya” ”
“There are singers, dancers, entertainers, trendsetters, movers & shakers, innovators... the list goes on and on and then there is Ultra Nate. No need for an alter ego, just Ultra Nate’ giving 100% of herself to the public. You can feel her spirit and bask in her light. She”s contagious....For the past 20 years Ultra has been fine tuning her art of being a performer and all it required was being herself. So you may ask, “Who is Ultra?” She is a daughter who shows unbridled love and support towards her mother. She is a friend that shares her riches but more importantly reveals theirs. She is a mother who teaches her son the only time he will fail is if he doesn’t try. She is a performer whose electric performance makes her audience disregard their troubles for a short time... Like the old adage says, “Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Ultra is leaving foot prints all over the world...Congrats Mer, Love ya!!””
“Ultra Nate’ is beautiful in mind, spirit and body. She is a force to be reckoned with and a continual inspiration to me. I am so very blessed and honored to call her my sisterfriend for these past 20 years!””
“Congratulations to Ultra Nate’ on 20 years of success and her many contributions to the music industry in that time.” ”
“It was great writing with Ultra and I think, like many artists who are cherished by the Dance club community, Ultra’s music is still a must play, must hear and a must move to! Like Sylvester, Sharon Redd, Joyclyn Brown, Two Tons Of Fun, Madonna; Ultra didn’t grow out of Pop, R&B or Rock, she started in the clubs, Disco, Dance, the Club Music scene is where she found her greatest and most loyal fans & they’re fiercely loyal! Dance on Ultra! See ya on a dance floor somewhere soon.””
“When I got this (request) - there was only one thing that I could think about that would sum up how I feel about Ultra and our personal and working relationship. On a personal level she is one of the most nicest people that you would ever meet, in a sea of snakes and sharks she just gets it and I love her for that! On creative and working relationship - she doesn’t know it, but she has been my muse creatively - I love her so much””
“May you continue to get back all the love, joy, fun, happiness and blessings you’ve given to so many people... over the years. Your growth has been Amazing! Your heart is still... filled with love! Your mind is Brilliant! Your spirit is incredibly Strong! You are truly an Original! One of the true Masters of the global dance community! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love You To Life! God Bless You!” ”
“Ultra is the most passioNate artist in Dance Music! She pays attention to the details and that is what separates her from others. Her photo sessions have the best make-up artist, stylist, and are the best lit! (even when she didn’t have big budgets) She is a great songwriter, and artist who knows what she wants and who she is. Ultra is the sweetest Diva I’ve ever met, and has never changed thru it All! Congratulations SIS!””
“Ultra Original, Ultra Fabulous...Ultra DeVoted to the sizzling sounds of Miss Nat(c)...Thank you for keeping it hot all these years.””
“DRIVEN! That should have been Ultra’s first name. I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend and peer who inspires me as much as Ultra Nate’! She dares to be different and challenges herSELF to be better! Long Live the Diva! Long live my Friend!””
“Ultra Nate is once again proving why her sucesss is no fluke! Celebrating her 20th Anniversary as a recording artist with her pulsating new album Hero Worship. Simply said la Nate’ is ready to make walls sweat around the globe so break out the baby powder, it’s time to dance!””
“Ultra? Wow! What can I say?...a tireless general and supporter of the scene. I was a shameless fan from way back and I still am. May u grace us with your presence for many more years to come...bless you!”
“I’ve known Ultra since our days of hanging out in the Baltimore House scene of the late 80’s, so I have had the chance to watch her career grow and blossom. I admire Ultra as an artist because for 20 years she creatively reinvents her sound and style...ALWAYS innovative and NEVER boring! She has also evolved into a quite FABULOUS dj that can move a dancefloor and rock a party way better than most male djs. Ultra is a soldier of House music through her artistry, dj-ing and party promotion and because of that, I am proud to be a part of the Deep Sugar family. Thank you, Ultra Nate’ for 20 years of your hard work, passion and love for Dance music.””
“Ultra - You are truly a beautiful and talented artist. I’m honored to know you and to have had the opportunity to work with you. Your music and talent will always resonate throughout the dance community. Congratulations on 20 years of longevity in the music business!”
“To My Dear friend and sista Ultra”.. congrats on surviving 20 yrs in “Music.” U are one of the hardest workin’ women I know. I love u and can’t wait to check out “Hero Worship”!”
“Some men find rewards in trophies and awards, others find it in children, many find it in financial gain. Nothing can compare to being a part of a friend’s legacy. Ultra - we go way back and up to this very moment. With her I have been her lone stage dancer, producer, remixer, club promoter, Dj coach, tour companion, bodyguard and endeared friend. She is an unequaled diva who has maintained a level of professionalism and consistent growth. From her flawless photographs and beauty to her global alliances with the dance community, she has made me proud like a father, supportive as a friend, honored like a right hand and enthralled by her every endeavor. It’ll never be Over Now! ... (I think I’m through).” ”
“Hey Sis! Congrats on 20yrs of doing your thing in this business called music...we’ve been hanging tuff since before there was a ‘Blue light in the basement’. Keep doing your thing...forever got your back...” ”
“When I first met Ultra in 1988...she was already a star! Out of countless auditions for the original Basement Girl position, her light shined the brightest and it was pretty obvious she had something special. “It”s Over Now” booming from the legendary club Zanzibar, with DJ Tony Humphries started this incredible journey in 1989. From Baltimore to London billboard subways, Ultra Nate’ has become part of Dance music’s culture. Congratulations!!” ”
““Like any young girl having a baby, I wanted my baby to be great, successful and most of all different from the average person and what I love most about it is God has a sense of humor because I searched and searched for a name and then realized I would have to make up a name. While listening to the commercial about Jean Nate’, I thought, that”s different but it doesn’t have a ring to it. I need something to give it a ring - hence here comes Ultra...I wrote it over and over. Ultra means “far beyond the norm” and I am blessed to see it, because “Te” which has been her nickname since she was a baby, only personifies the name. I thought Ultra Nate’ (pronounced Na’ Tay) was so beautiful and different. I knew my little girl would be and I’m sure most of you who really know her will agree....Growing up I was too young to realize what a special little girl I had. No matter who I would let keep her she had a way of leaving her mark on them. Over the years she has overcome a lot of obstacles that would have crippled most people but, being “far beyond the norm” she not only overcame but continues to be the champion you now know her as. Ultra always has been intelligent, kind, cute, quick witted, and has never taken any junk from anybody. I like to give a shout out to my special and loving daughter “ULTRA Nate’” CONGRATULATIONS ON 20 YEARS!” ”
“Ultra musings: “It”s Over Now.” “Rejoicing (I”ll Never Forget).” “Love Hungover.” “Altitude.” “You”re Not The Only One.” “Incredibly You.” “I Specialize In Loneliness.” “Love Is A Many Splendored Thing.” “If You Could Read My Mind.” “Free.” “Found A Cure.” “Love You Can”t Deny.” “New Kind Of Medicine.” “Desire.” “Give It All You Got.” “Twisted (Got Me Goin” Round).” “No Wasted Hearts.” For more than 20 years, the music of Ultra Nate’ has helped to form the soundtrack of my (adult) life. Throughout life”s ups and downs, ins and outs, twists and turns, Ultra’s songs “and that voice” have... been there. For me. For us. Thank you, Ultra.” ”
“I’ve had an absolute crush on Ultra Nate’ since, the very first time I saw her, on the dance floor at Club Zanzibar. At times she has been like a sister, a therapist and an inspiration to me. I’m an admirer of her strength and intellect and a fan of hers as a songwriter. Her ability to navigate this industry and have success for 20 years is a true testimony of her will. She is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. Congratulations and Good luck on your DUB ZERO, all the best and Godspeed to you and your family!””
“When I grow up, I want to be just like Ultra...inspired. She’s got it - beauty, poise, style and spiritual depth. I love you, Ultra, my Sista!””
“Ultra Nate’ as a friend is fiercely loyal, abundantly caring, and deeply forgiving. She can look beyond your faults & shortcomings with compassion. She inspires one to strive for that which at the moment seems unattainable as if it were her own dream. Ultra Nate’ as song writer is intensely introspective, openly sharing & always positive, uplifting & unbiased. Her words speak to your soul of desire, love & overcoming fears or prejudices. Ultra Nate’ the performer is a constant evolution of presence, sharing of self & most importantly, of inclusion! Whether performing in front of a stadium or just 2 people, her gift is present & inspiring, as if she’s singing to each individual.
Ultra Nate’ the collaborator is an amazing sight to behold. Her ability to become malleable when taking direction & purpose-driven when giving direction is indescribable. Her ability to work with such talented & respected peeps is a testament to her longevity & constant evolution.
Ultra Nate’ the DJ is my favorite newness to her persona. She has taken something that many attempt to master & allowed it to master her & her message. She will give you a beat down while taking you there. For me a true test of a good DJ is & will always remain the dance floor. Her dance floors are never short of love & souls speaking thru movement of dance. Ultra Nate’ is inspiration. She always looks for the good in peeps. She will always be the consummate diplomat in order to create peace & harmony in spite of the efforts of many to bring her down.
I was dancing alone at the “Shelter” with my eyes closed & when I opened them, there was this radiant beautiful smile in front of me moving in unison with my soul. We proceeded to sweat our butts of to track after track that Timmy was putting down. When she had to leave, we introduced our selves. She said her name & I was like, “Nah, that can’t be her. It’s probably a wannabee using her name & stature.” When I got home I googled her name & sure enough, it was Ultra Nate’ just hanging out without ego or pretense. The rest is history! I am a better being because she is in my life. She showed me how to LIVE & enjoy every moment with a sense of newness & exhilaration even if we’ve done that very same thing many times over. I love her unconditionally!””
“I will always remember the first time I saw Ultra Nate’ on-stage. It was at the Winter Music Conference, seemingly a hundred years ago. She had big, untamed hair, and she was clad in a clear-plastic pant-suit. In the intense Florida heat and humidity of that night, anyone else would’ve been instantly deemed a hot-ass mess, literally and figuratively, but Ultra more than pulled it off. She delivered the undeniable message that she was a true diva... and a true diva can turn anything into a stunning, trend-setting revelation....From that point, Ultra continued to surprise. She honed a unique singing voice that demanded lyrics meatier than standard club fare. FortuNately, she also had the skills to write songs that have always been smart, provocative, and inspiring. Ultra has never taken the easy road, bypassing creative retreads and demanding that we engage our brains and heart — in addition to our bodies — with her music. It’s been a road filled with reward... for her and for us. Has it really been 20 years? Looking in the mirror, you might sigh “yep.” Looking and listening to Ultra Nate, you will certainly think, “hmmm..., it feels more like 20 minutes.” I can’t wait to see and hear what she offers next.””
“Wow...Ok how can I make this short & not a book?? LoL!!! But seriously, I’m a fan 1st, before I even knew Ultra Nate’ I was playing her records in Chicago she & The Basement Boys had that Baltimore sound that was so fresh & new @ the time I was like WHOA! Now I can happily say that she’s my homie & I got mad love for you girl. We always have a laugh when we can get the chance to talk & hang!!! So HAPPY 20years in this crazy industry & Congrats on the new album! ARTLU MOOD for life””
“I recall listening to the Mandrill’s demo tapes of “It’s Over Now” on my way from DC to Baltimore. I was still managing 12” Dance Records in DC at that time. That track came on and I was like...”this is HOT”! I knew then that Ultra was something special! Little did I know! Fast forward a year or so to the release of “Blue Lights In the Basement” just in time for the New Music Seminar in New York. Ultra performed at the Limelight. I have yet to see a female club performer give a hotter show with a full band...and the girl came down out of the ceiling in a bird cage! She’s been working it ever since. Twenty years later, I had the pleasure of tagging along in New York for her five, yes five performances in four hours for Pride 2010. The sister is still working it out! From the Pier Party to Pacha...DIVA! The outfit and makeup changes and the “don’t forget the shoes”! I was tired just watching. Ultra has blessed Baltimore with the longest running after hour party in the city, Deep Sugar, sharing with her friends and supporters, the best DJ talent from around the country. Let’s not forget her production company and record label, Deep Sugar Music. I jokingly refer to her as the Oprah of House...all that’s missing is the “U” magazine. I am honored to be a friend and supporter of Ultra Nate! I wish her another twenty years of success and happiness. Love ya!”
“Ultra Nate: To me is the leading Black Female Dance Artist. Never afraid to cross genres, and make people wonder what’s next. I love her professionalism and massive drive. Big Love to the best!””
“From the very first time I met Ultra about 20 years ago during the Eight Ball years, I have grown to love and respect her as an artist and just an overall wonderful person. I remember going to play at Paradox in Baltimore, MD around that time and she graciously extended her hospitality. I’ll never forget how she worked me out at the gym on that morning! She’s always been body conscience, which could very well be a testament to her longevity in this business. I have only high praise for her fortitude, dedication and her ability to morph into the incredible artist that she has become today! Only the best for you and yours love . . . . Love you Ultra!””
“Ultra Nate... is a force. Never before have I encountered an artist with such a direct link to the creative energy that surrounds us all. Her song writing speaks on a deeper level while still making u wanna dance your ass off. I am honored to call her a friend and am proud our collaborations have a place of distinction in the world. Ultra you have transformed my life. I love u Mer!””
“Ultra is one of those artists that can do it all. We all know that she’s a great singer, performer, DJ, actress, business woman, and pretty girl overall, but what I love about her mostly is that she is beautiful person. One of the most grounded artists I’ve ever met. I’m very proud of her accomplishments.” ”
“Ultra is my heart! Out of all the artists in the business that I have grown to know through the years, Ultra has been my inspiration. She is a strong, loving, talented and beautiful woman. Through the years when I needed an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on she has been there for me. I love her with all my heart and if she calls me I am there for her. I LOVE YOU ULTRA & HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!””
“20 years?! Wow. Where do I begin? I guess at the beginning. I remember when Ultra called to tell me she signed her first record deal. I was so happy; you would’ve thought it was my contract! But it has been such an exciting journey: late nights in the ‘Basement’ singing in the bathroom, road trips to NYC, European travel and then watching her blossom into an international celebrity. I remember the day I heard “Free” being piped through the speakers in McDonald’s. I was clapping and singing like a proud momma!...Ultra, I thank you for the opportunity to travel and perform with you. They are memories I will cherish forever. The love and respect I have for you is immeasurable. You are such a wonderful, strong, intelligent person and I am honored that you call me your friend. Thank you for sharing your life with me.” ”
“I am very pleased to have been part of Ultra”s first 20 years and to have shared in her greatest success. In addition to being very talented, Ultra Nate’ is a class act.” ”
“Ultra is the Ultimate Music Innovator! Her dedication & persistence has Blessed us with a Timeless Music Catalog to enjoy through our lifetime. Congratulations & I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Keep us Twirling & Twisting forever!!!!””
“My spirit soars with the utmost admiration for that stupendous instrument—that gem, which is unmistakably Ultra Nate’s voice. It never fails to impress me how within such a demure, beautiful person, lies a flawless and resonating powerhouse. Every note from her is a gift.” ”
“Ultra is an inspiration. It’s so very rare to find amazing talent, incredible work ethic and undeniable charisma in one person. I feel blessed to work with her and hearing her DJ is always a highlight of my month or year. Keep it up baby! Love ya!!!!” ”
“What I can say about Ultra? She is a true professional, a diva, an artist above other artists and a true friend & supporter of our scene. From the first time I booked her to sing FREE at B&S in the late 90’s she has remained a beautiful person who has shined nothing but light into my life. I feel honored to know her and call her a friend. Love you girl from the bottom of my heart!””
“After over 20 years in the music business there are few people who you can say you forged a bond with and call friend...Ultra is my friend. From the first time we met, all those years ago, and as our careers took their twists and turns, the one thing that always been constant, is the mutual respect and regard for one another as artist and creative spirits. Each one of us comes into this world with a very specific task to perform. Ultra has managed to help others express themselves in their own way, all the while developing her label and emerging into the ultimate connoisseur of what is happening on the scene. I love people who dance to the beat of their own drum, and as onlookers become voyeurs in Ultra’s world, they must either find their rhythm or look elsewhere, as she is ever changing, ever evolving and ever real. Gotta’ love her...and I do!” ”
“Internationally renown singer, producer, deejay, diva, promoter, entrepreneur, businesswoman - Ultra Nate’ is the rare kind of artist who continually pushes the limits of her career from a fierce foundation built of her underground roots. Ultra’s dedication, keen sense of self and beautiful confidence contributes to her longevity & success. Congratulations & love to you Ultra!” ”
“I’m sure every word I could say about Ultra has already been mentioned: she’s been a trailblazer and innovator who has continually toiled to keep Baltimore nightlife fresh, vibrant, and fun! We need more people like Ultra - but nobody is like Ultra!””
“Ultra, after nearly 25 years in this crazy business, I often find myself a bit jaded and the reason for that has a lot to do with all of the “unbalanced” Artists I have allowed to give me a headache along the way. Just when I thought that all Artists were nuts, I met you and realized that there’s still hope. You are such an amazing woman, Artist and friend. I can’t wait to have known you forever. Happy 20th Anniversary. Love Always.” ”
“What a phenomenal woman! An Artist, Diva, Entrepreneur, Mother, Wife, Trailblazer, DJ, Singer, Dancer, Performer, & Friend; you are so many things to so many people, Ultra. You”re a genuine inspiration to us all and we love you. Thanks for all the “homegirl hookups”, guidance on Emerald City eyelashes, and baby powdered floor twirls! You are, to us, an ICON! Happy Anniversary!””
“It was an incredible honor to meet you in my DJ life and it’s always a real pleasure to discover your new projects!!!!!””
“Upon meeting this humble, “small hometown” powerhouse, I was and have since been “star struck”!! I have been graced with Ultra’s presence in my life since I was 17. Having the opportunity to travel with her as both background dancer & singer, I’ve acquired a taste for “Touring as Artist”. She has enlightened me on the business side of our artistry with a savvy that only she could inflect. “Mother Hen”, (she appropriately dubs herself) has been just that to me. She is “Big Sister” type, always timely with her direct, jewels of wisdom. I could not imagine many parts of my life without her influence. Now with her hands, poised in the shaping of my current musical journey, I can only consider myself “Blessed” to have her in my life.””
“To put it in a nutshell, Ultra is one helluva performer and an incredible human being. Her ability to crossover and appeal to different sectors across the dance music community is inspirational. Her positive energy and charisma motivates and drives those who are lucky to work with her. Her talents and continued success and longevity in the scene should make her fellow Baltimoreans proud.” ”
“Ultra Nate’ has been nothing but an inspiration to me from the first day I met her. There is literally no one on the planet that can do what she does as effectively as she does it. She is an incredible performer, singer, and songwriter who has given dance music so many great moments that it’s impossible to count. Thanks for a great 20 years, and I pray that you have 20 more!!!!””
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a person in the industry I enjoy working with more than Ultra! You all know what I am talking about. She”s got that perfect blend of professionalism, talent, lightheartedness, consciousness and coolness that just makes her the best there is. We are so fortuNate here at NextAid to have Ultra on our Artist Advisory Board, she’s demonstrated her dedication to using music to make the world a better place by supporting our campaigns and helping us raise money for worthy projects in Africa. Ultra, Happy 20th Anniversary, you lovely, strong, wonderful woman!”
“If there is one thing to say about Ultra is Triple Threat...1. Songwriter, 2. DJ , 3. Vocalist. Without a shadow of a doubt and hands down one of the truest and purest in the biz, Queen of House...Diva of House...NAH! Try LEGEND OF HOUSE! ...”Cause You’re Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee””
“Ultra Nate, what else can I say? The international superstar diva from Baltimore is celebrating her 20th year in the music biz and has done it with class, beauty and style!! I’m so proud of you sis!!! Congratulations!!!””
“Ultra, let”s start with the name. Okay, Ultra. You don”t get more diva that. Ultra is everything. She started on the top with “It’s Over Now,” but it wasn’t over. She kept on going and shelet us have it with a string of top ten hits throughout the Nineties including “Free” - which was the hugest hit. “Found a Cure,” and the song from the film Studio 54, “If You Could Read My Mind,” (with two other girls I never heard of or care to) and kept it going till now, and still slamming with “Hey DJ,” - my jam. Ultra is eternally fierce, ruling and correct. Get into it, cause she is ruling the rest above ground and underground””
“One of my favorite/famous quotes for Ultra is “SOMEBODY’S BURNING TOAST” and don’t forget “LIQUID CRACK” LoL!!!! Congrats & all the best to you Ultra!!””
“Ultra is one of the BEST in the business and out of the business! As real as an orange peel “til the wheels fall off Boo!””
“You are an inspiration to us all. My big sister who I can always count on teaching me about this business, what would I do without you? You”re more than a singer, songwriter, DJ, and label owner...you are an ENTERTAINER!!! Simply amazing, full of love and we love you. Congratulations!!!””
“What words can describe one of the most talented artists I have worked with that”s Super Sexy, beautiful inside & out. Has a million dollar smile that accompanies her personality. Who’s always on the cutting edge with fashion and lashes...LoL!!! Has been an honor for me to know her and work with her.....that”s describes Ms Ultra Nate!!!””
“Ultra is an inspiration to me as an artist who plans as she has to continually evolve and as a woman in the wilderness that is the music business. Some women follow, some lead. Ultra is always graceful and encouraging in person and fearless on record and stage; Champion of the underground...Legend...The hardest working woman in show business””
“It doesn’t seem possible that Ultra has been making music 20 years! Having been a fan since the “IT”S OVER NOW” days it”s been a real pleasure to know her. I”ll never forget the show at The Warehouse, a rough crowd, but Ultra was her usual smokin’ self. I was sure glad to get out of there though.””
“Wow! 20 years! What can anyone say to contest such an achievement? The girl has a “golden tongue”, “the Midas touch” and access to the “fountain of youth”. Ultra’s ability to reinvent herself from the studio, to the stage, to the video screen is phenomenal! Oh and let us not forget that somehow, someway she one day decided that she was going to be a DJ too. And you know what? She’s damn good at it! I know some cats who been DJ’ing for 20 years and can’t even touch her on the tables. How is that possible? God’s gift is God’s gift. Perhaps’ her mother knew when she decided to name her child “Ultra”. Congratulations Ultra Nate’. I wish you many more years of success. You are a class act. I am glad that we had an opportunity to cross paths over the years.””
“PARIS ADORES ULTRA Nate! See you in November :-) And by the way...Ultra is nomiNated for the Radio FG awards in Monaco as BEST FEMALE DJ!””
“Ultra is a professional artist who handles the entire spectrum of her career and life with the utmost integrity. She is a REAL inspiration for all in the industry and for those who aspire to be.””
“I LOVE Ultra!!!! She is a great woman & friend. One of my fond memories that I will never forget is one of her shows at TRAXX Nightclub in DC...Hahahahahaha! Ultra let all of her friends perform in the gig with her and it was a HOT MESS! Hahahahahaha! The next day, Ultra laid in bed and cried all day and we sat around her until we finally laughed ourselves sick! Thanks for the friendship, laughs & the TRAXX DC FIASCO opportunity...Hahahahahaha!!!!””
“Ultra Nate’ the legend that is...we had the most fun working with her ladyship. She is not only a true professional but a real decent human being...she took me to Havre de Grace and I met her folks...we ate chitlins...Ultra is all that and then some” ”
“Ultra is an amazing creative director. She has a vision for her Deep Sugar Party, and through her suggestions and critiques, the final product is always better than I could have made on my own.””
“When I think of how to describe Ultra Nate`s contribution to the scene I find myself searching for words that I don’t seem to have in my vocabulary. Words that would do her justice! So I’m left with amazing, dedicated, relentless, creative, admiration. I rise to my feet to applaud her many accomplishments, I applaud her unselfishness, I applaud her love of the dance community and I KNOW it is not motivated by finances, but a true love for the scene! I pass the torch, because I know I would not still be dancing to the music I love at Deep Sugar, at The Paradox if it wasn’t for you. THANK YOU and BRAVO! Bravo to you for all the wonderful, memorable experiences you have brought and shared with us in your performances and undying commitment to House music! I glide, I twirl, I cut up on the dance floor, still, because of you!””
“I can always rely on Ultra for Baltimore’s best sound bite. She may bring the house down in Berlin but she always comes home to Baltimore. Ultra is more real than reality TV. In 20 more years, she’ll still be turning it up...let’s hope the music world can keep up!””
“Ultra and I have a mutual best friend and even though I’ve probably only known Ultra a quarter of the time, every time we speak it’s like I’ve known her all my life. Ultra has and is a great spirit and I’m glad to have a connection. Keep on rocking Ultra!!!”
“Well what can you say about this iconic dance diva that hasn’t already been said. ... As we all know, she is an amazingly gifted artist who consistently blazes her own unique trail, creating music and imagery that always takes us where we want to go. ... I’ve had the pleasure of becoming her friend, and in addition to the respect I have for her as an artist, I have to say that I have equal admiration and respect for Ultra the person. ... She is beautiful inside and out, authentic and just good people! ... Here’s to 20 more years girlfriend!!””
“Ultra Nate’ is truly Amazing !!! She has incredible talent & style. She also has that rare gift on delivering a song with true conviction & passion””
“Over 20 years I’ve come from being a crazed fan to a crazy label comrade. Ultra is the epitome of class, abounding talent, and infinite amazement as an entertainer.””
“Rare is the opportunity to be in a room with a person whose presence has the scent of so many qualities to utilize as a collaborator, especially with the ease of how she brings it. The level of respect and appreciation I have for her many accomplishments is incredible. What I got from my own first personal encounters with her in the studio were this...Genuine, creative, passioNate and enthusiastic. A listener and a communicator. Glamorous and spiritual. That is all before she got on the microphone. I was there to witness this talented and special lady work her gifts and skills with a hunger to be provoked and explored. It was obvious to recognize how that must have happened so many times before as she approached our sessions with her own standard of excellence to bring out the best from herself and of me. That was the coolest kind of energy you could ever be around. Her signature throughout was solid and undeniable. As time was passing so productively, I fell in love with this person that was great just to hang out with. Whether at studio sessions or at a dinner in Baltimore or working at the club together, we shared so many giggles with one another. The many times ULTRA is on my mind, the first thing that comes is a smile and knowledge that she is legendary for making countless others smile as well.””
“Ultra Nate’ - What a woman! What a sound! What a career!! What a great album!” ”
“What can I say ? Over the years and around the world it’s been a fun ride. So Ladies and Gentlemen: Lights, Cameras ... Ms. Ultra Nate’...” ”
“I live in England and at the end of every year Ministry of Sound put out a compilation called “The Annual”. I noticed that they only display a few artist names in the tv ads to promote it, yet they seem to use Ultra Nate’’s name in it each and every year! This is not surprising when you think about it - Ultra Nate’ has been the most recognizable female name in dance music for the past 20yrs. Not a small feat in this crazy biz when it’s hard to get peoples attention for even 5 minutes, nevermind 20yrs. Big congratulations to you and your team on your long and successful career!! Here’s to the next 20!! P.S. I can’t believe they’re letting us work with you! So inspiring!!””
“As far as I’m concerned, if music industry were to be compared to the story of The Wizard of Oz... Then, Ultra would play the part of Glinda the Good Witch! ... Not only is she a brilliant artist that’s easy and fun to work with, but she’s inspiring and motivational... and a vault of never-ending guidance and wisdom (and I always need some of that). Congratulations... and, thanks for all the love!” ”
“Sitting having dinner with Ultra one night...I asked what her ‘real name’ was? She looked at me a bit perplexed...”Ultra”...I said that was her stage name, she said ‘No.” Which I laughed out loud and said her Mother was a very bright woman. I never heard of a baby named Ultra - A Star was born!
Ultra Nate’!””
“Congrats Ultra on 20 years! I remember hearing your music in high school when I started DJ’ing in radio and never imagined we’d be doing a song together.. Keep up the amazing work. You are a legend!””
“It has not only been an honor, but also a great privilege to have known and worked with Ultra over the years. Her integrity is unshakeable and her commitment to greatness in every area is a reminder of why we do what we do. Respect for the art, an unflinching focus on the big picture, faith in our higher purpose and love for others is what drives her and it’s
amazing and inspiring to be in her presence. I also give Bill Coleman a lot of credit for ALWAYS seeing the future and gently guiding her in the right direction. I love you both and am happy to have shared this roller coaster ride with you.””
“Ultra is one of my favourite people to work with and do productions and mixes for. Always professional, always delivering - big love!!!””
“I first met Ultra in the early 90’s when she was the opening act for Dee-lite’s World Clique Tour. I was a backup singer/dancer for Dee-lite at the time and “It’s Over Now” was playing on my Sony Walkman on auto rewind. I’m happy to have had a chance to see such an amazing artist so early in her career and watch her develop into the ultimate Diva she’s become. Ultra’s twenty year career has been an inspiration to me and countless others. To last in this business for that long and remain a relevant part of it, is pretty hard to do - but she makes it look easy and she is still gorgeous doing it!!””
“Near and far we wish you all the best. We love you!!!”
“Ultra Nate’ has continued to be an inspiration in the music she produces as an artist, DJ & record label owner both onstage and off. I feel honoured to work & know this amazing woman who manages to carry out her business with utmost professionalism & an approachable manner. She has been part of some of my favourite musical moments over the last 20 years & I look forward to the next episode of her unique talent.” ”
“Ultra - You are truly a beautiful and talented artist. I’m honored to know you and to have had the opportunity to work with you. Your music and talent will always resoNate throughout the dance community. Congratulations on 20 years of longevity in the music business!” —-Your friend always - Arnold Jarvis
Ultra, Happy 20th to you...! I believe I first met you with the Basement Boys at Zanzibar when you sang your first big hit “It”s Over Now”. Well girlfriend, you sure proved them wrong...it wasn’t “Over Now”; it was only the beginning of a fabulous career! You are an inspiration and shining light for women in this mostly male domiNated business. Carry on and carry that beacon!”
“It was an incredible honor to meet you in my DJ life and it’s always a real pleasure to discover your new projects!!!!!””
“I recently started working with Ultra and her label Deep Sugar as it is distributed by Strictly Rhythm. As an artist and DJ I was always a fan over the years. I am impressed with her as a label head, she is concise and astute. It’s no wonder her success continues.” ”
“The first time I ever saw Ultra was in the early 90’s on stage at the Paradox. Her stage presence is unforgettable! She was neatly zipped in a perfectly torn and tattered denim jumpsuit; spiked leather heals that wrapped up her rock solid calves. Ultra’s hair was pulled back in a tall and tight pony. He voice rocketed through the club that night with ease.....I’ll never forget that moment in my life! Through her dedication and perseverance, she gave me strength to follow my own dreams as an artist. Thank you Ms Ultra, you are truly an amazing inspiration!! I love you & your eyelashes!””
“Ultra has the most amazing voice in dance music, And I have had the pleasure of working with the Diva. Oh! did I mention she’s a total sweet heart. I got mad love for you Ultra.””